SAVE THE DATE! Winterwind 2023

Publicerat 19 oktober, 2022

#Winterwind2023 – the 15th international conference on wind energy in cold climates – will take place in Åre, Sweden March 27-29! Save the Date, more info to come soon!

Winterwind 2023 offers seminars, debates, poster exhibition, technical visits, social events and of course networking. For more info visit

“The Winterwind International Conference on wind power in cold climate is an event that address new possibilities and challenges in the field of science, engineering, and proven performance. This year the main theme will be Windpower in cold climate – on land and sea. The potential for offshore windpower in cold climate is yet to be explored. Join us in the very popular and beautiful Åre to exchange the latest knowledge and research. We hope to meet You there!”

– Cecilia Dalman Eek, Chairman of the Board, Swedish Wind Power

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