Becoming a member of Swedish Wind Power – An overview of our membership benefits

Publicerat 7 februari, 2022

Swedish Wind Power was founded in 1986 and is an industry organisation for wind energy producers, with approximately 800 members, ranging from smaller wind power owners to large-scale energy companies. With more than 35 years experience we are an established referral body and stakeholder in the Swedish wind energy sector, working to promote efficient development and economic conditions for wind power in Sweden.

One of the areas that define Swedish Wind Power is the exchange of knowledge, both as a referral body and provider of courses, seminars, and conferences. The seminars and conferences work as meeting points for the wind industry in Sweden. Being a member of Swedish Wind Power has several advantages and we are continuously working to develop new membership benefits to find attractive solutions that provide real and practical value to our members. Currently we offer a wide range of benefits:

The magazine ‘Swedish Windpower’

As a member you will receive an annual subscription to our magazine ‘Swedish Windpower’, and discounts for advertising in the paper as well.

The magazine is the only printed magazine on wind energy in Sweden and a very appreciated membership perk where you will find interesting articles and interviews about some of the latest developments in the industry, market updates, current trends in the sector and much more.

Conferences and seminars

As a member, you are offered discounts on tickets for our conferences and access to our online seminars through our membership portal. Swedish Wind Power arranges the Winterwind conference, which, this year, will take place in Skellefteå (19-21 April 2022). We also arrange RE-Scandinavia together with Wind Denmark, as well as an Operation and Maintenance conference (wind power days). 

Decommissioning Insurance

Together with Marsh AB we offer a 10% discount on their decommissioning insurance.*

According to the Swedish environmental act, developers must deposit a fixed amount per turbine on an account controlled by the county administrative board. This insurance effectively replaces that safety and in practical terms can save wind energy developers and producers a substantial amount and free up capital. Rather than locking in large capital over a period of 25-30 years in order to secure the decommissioning of the wind farm, this product enables owners and investors to manage the project’s finances more efficiently. The insurance may also replace a bank guarantee, offering the same solution without infringing on loan capacity. For a fixed premium, a guarantee is issued that runs for either 5 or 10 years. The guarantee is issued by the insurer and can be used ahead of a new project or for an existing wind farm, effectively replacing frozen funds as a decommission security.

*Marsh offers several other insurances as well that can be acquired with a discount if you are a member of Swedish Windpower equal to the level of company with production.

Legal advice

We offer our members one hour of free legal advice with MAQS as well as a 10% discount on any additional advisory hours.

MAQS Renewable practice group consists of experienced lawyers who are dedicated to working with the various players in the wind power industry. The practice groups competence covers all areas that are relevant to create support, reassurance, and legal guidance in relation to the requirements and changes demanded by the market. Examples of cases that MAQS has handled for our members include review and negotiation of service agreements, discussions and/or disputes with insurance companies, sales of wind power projects and turbines in operation, permit issues, land agreements and power purchase agreements (PPA).

A framework for electricity trading

We offer our members the possibility to sell electricity, certificates and guarantees of origin through our framework with Bixia.

Bixia actively works to increase the proportion of locally produced electricity from renewable sources and are one of the electricity companies purchasing the largest share of renewable electricity in the Nordic region.

Reports and analytics of the market

In collaboration with Bodecker Partners, we offer a 15% discount on their reports and market analytics. The reports are developed on a quarterly basis and provide the latest status and trends of the electricity market in the Nordics.

Want to become a member? – Great: here are the next steps.

We are always happy to welcome new members. The amount of production you have determines what kind of membership you need, and some of the benefits listed above are only available for those who are company members. Below is a list where you can see which benefits come with the different memberships:

If you want to know more about Swedish Windpower you can check out this short film about the association where some of our members highlight the benefits of being a member:

Also, if you want to become a member but are uncertain what kind of membership you or your company should get, just get in touch with us at (You can also fill out the following form: and we will be in touch).

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