How to optimize your wind energy production

Publicerat 9 september, 2021

This webinar October 4th 14:00-15:00 will be held in english.

How to optimize production in harsh weather conditions? How to avoid malfunctions? How can you be proactive to secure high production? How can you benefit with production analysis?  

There are many approaches to optimize production and avoid operational disruptions. Representatives from W3 Energy and Kjeller Vindteknikk share their experiences in this webinar by Swedish Wind Power Association monday October 4th 14:00-15:00.

Moderator Jenny Longworth welcomes you – Get to know Swedish Windpower Association
Pitch by Anders Orebrandt, Marsh on the discount members get for the decommissioning insurance!

Proactive asset managementAndré Sjöström, Chief Operating Officer, W3 Energy

Analyzing the wind energy production –  Ove Undheim, Technical Specialist, Kjeller Vindteknikk

Free of charge, limited to 100 participants, first come first served! Register at and we will send you the Zoom link some days before! After the recording and presentations will be uploaded under the member login!

Questions? Contact / +46 (0)731-531 04 73

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