Potential and challenges in the Swedish windpower market

Publicerat 18 mars, 2022

Webinar Monday April 4th 14.00-15.00 CEST by Swedish Windpower Association

Onshore wind was the large majority of new installations in Europe 2021. One country stood out: Sweden installed the most onshore wind with 2.1 GW. No other country in Europe installed more onshore wind in 2021. (WindEurope)

Welcome to this webinar, free of charge, where you’ll get an market analysis on the Swedish wind market and factors internationally that influence by Patrik Åberg, Senior Portfolio Manager, Bodecker Partners and an update from Liquid Wind by Ulrik Falkenberg Lending, Vice President, Commercial, Liquid Wind – PPA off takers that has new wind energy as an essential ingredient in their impressive plans!

Moderator is Jenny Longworth, Swedish Windpower Association.

PATRIK ÅBERG has over 20 years of experience in the energy- and financial industry as risk manager, treasury dealer and portfolio manager in electricity, gas, elcertificates, emission allowances, and foreign exchange at Alfa Kraft, COOP/KF, Vattenfall Power Management and Göteborg Energi

ULRIK FALKENBERG LENDING has over 15 years of experience working with project development in the energy industry, developing energy for Ørsted (DONG Energy) and BWSC (Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor) on a global scale

When: Monday April 4th 14.00-15.00 CEST
Where: Online, everyone who’s registered get a Zoom link before the webinar!

How: Register here, free of charge! The webinar will be held in english!

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