RE-Scandinavia 2022 – Sankt Gertrud, Malmö, September 6th

Publicerat 31 maj, 2022

Green Power Denmark and the Swedish Windpower Association are once again hosting the RE-Scandinavia conference concerning Power Purchase Agreements (PPA’s). PPA’s are contracts between buyers and sellers of renewable energy (RE) from e.g. wind power and solar power.

In a world where support schemes for renewable energy are being gradually phased out, PPA’s can be a valuable tool to decrease risks and drive new investments in wind and solar PV. The ambitious climate and energy targets set out by the EU and individual countries are driving many parts of our society in a greener direction away from fossil fuels and energy dependency of e.g. Russia.

This transition includes companies and other end-users who want to contribute by sourcing their energy consumption from new renewable energy capacity via PPAs.

The conference focuses on how macro trends of electrification and the current energy crisis are affecting the market of PPA’s in the Nordics, as well as PPA’s in connection with new types of consumers, e.g. producers of hydrogen/Power-to-X, where new EU rules (for RFNBO) affects criteria of temporal correlation and additionality.

The conference is relevant for both experienced and new buyers and sellers of PPAs.

After years with COVID-19 (a cancellation and an online event) we are finally back with an in-person event with great opportunities for networking with peers, experts and potential costumers/suppliers.

We are looking very much forward to seeing you in Malmö.

9.00Arrival and coffee
10.10How is PPAs affected by the current energy crisis, and the direct and indirect electrification?
Electrification of society – drivers and consequences
Max Åhman, Associate Professor, Lund Universitet
Energy crisis and higher energy prices – how are PPAs affected?    
Sten Lillienau, Senior Originator, Centrica Energy Trading
The Mærsk-path towards green shipping    
Ilyas Muhammad, Senior Business Development Manager, A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S
12.30PPAs and Hydrogen/Power-to-X
EU methodologies for renewable fuels of non-biological (RFNBO)  
Henrik Dam, Policy Officer, DG Ener, European Commission
PPAs and PtX     
Fredrik Bodecker, CEO and partner, Bodecker Partners
Panel discussion: Johan Zettergren, Project Director, Liquid Wind – Jakob Bendixen, Partner, Our New Energy Rommero Carillo, Director, Business Development, PexaPark Gregor McDonald, Head of Trading and PPA, European Energy
14.15Coffee break
14.45Who are the next PPA off-takers?
Bundling of smaller PPA off-takers     
Kim Nielsen, Senior Energy Risk Advisor, Energi Danmark
Off-takers in the heavy industry – Per Tryding, Vice President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden
Panel discussion: Maria Röske, CEO, BayWa r.e. Nordics – Dr.-Ing. Sven Kossack, Head of Customer Solutions Europe, RWE – Mikkel Thorup Hansen, Manager, Power Solutions, Better Energy
15.45 – 16.30Networking, drinks and snacks

Moderator: Mia Bodin, Bodecker Partners


Sankt Gertrud, Östergatan 7B, Malmö, Sweden


Tuesday September 6th, 2022 10.00 – 16.00 (doors open at 09.00)

The Registration is Open!

Member of Green Power Denmark or Swedish Wind Power Association: 1.800 SEK ex moms

Non-member: 2.300 SEK ex moms


Questions? Please contact Michael Madsen, Afdelningschef, Green Power Denmark: / +45 2580 0005 or Jakob Economou, Verksamhetsledare, Swedish Windpower Association: / +46 73 531 04 73

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